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Home | First message in thread | Previous messageFor those of you, like myself suffering the neverending problems with your JVC Mini-DV's, I believe I may have solved one problem and possibly more. I was having chronic problems with the Condensation and Clean Head errors. JVC was no, and I mean NO help. This is for those that are at the end of their ropes. I removed every single tiny little screw on the exterior case. All the screws on the inside of the viewer abd also there is one inside the S-Video flap if yours comes equipped. There is also a screw on the top on the piece in front of the eye viewer. Carefully, and I mean carefully, seperate the pieces. Inside there are a few connectors that connect the two halves. The one closest to the rear (thumb switch), if unplugged will do a "hard reset". Leave unplugged for about 5 minutes (atleast that is how long I left it unplugged). It has been good for a couple days now. You will have to reset time and date and settings but, this has, atleast for the time being solved both of my problems. And they were problems that popped up everytime I turned on the camera. It progressively has gotten worse over the last few months. I havent been able to use it at all since 3 minutes before the birth of my son 3 weeks ago. I actually thought I might get to video the birth but because of JVC's lack of engineering ability and total disregard for the consumers who buy their products, I had to be satisfied with still pictures. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! My camera is a JVC GRD-90u.
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After months of research I found this method (hard reset) to work well on my JVC GR-D70U. The first time I dissected the camera I unscrewed 20 plus screws because I didn’t know any better. I ended up unscrewing the LCD, and the lens which is not necessary. The “hard reset” method lasted for a few months before I had to do it again. This time around I made sure to unscrew only the screws necessary for this procedure. I took note of which screws I removed to make it easier for myself the next time around and so I can share this useful information with you all. Wrap each screw with a Post It note. On the outside of the Post It note write where the screw belongs. After you are done unwrap the screws and put them back in their proper places. (If you have a better method please feel free to use it) 11 Screws Total: 1. Very Top Screw of the Camera (when looking at the camera with a birds eye view/lens pointing away) 2. Top of camera Screw next to the W/T zoom knob (when looking at the camera with a birds eye view/ lens pointing away) 3. Inside the battery slot Top Left corner screw (long screw) 4. Inside the battery slot Top Right corner screw (long screw) 5. Inside the battery slot Middle Left screw. 6. Screw next to the Firewire port (inside the LCD area) 7. Screw under the “Battery Release” Knob (when look at the bottom of the camera lens facing down) 8. Screw to the Right of the SD Card Slot (when look at the bottom of the camera lens facing down) 9. Above the Tri Pod hole LEFT Screw closer to the LCD (when look at the bottom of the camera lens facing down) 10. Below the Tri Pod hole and Below that small black hole.. Screw to the left closer to the LCD (when look at the bottom of the camera lens facing down) 11. Below the Tri Pod hole and Below that small black hole.. Screw closest to the edge and closest to the speaker (when look at the bottom of the camera lens facing down) Total: 11 Screws. After removing the Screws… 1. First remove the grey plastic piece on the very top of the camera. (Above the eye piece) 2. Carefully separate the camera in half. 4. Look for the big White plug closest to the battery slot. (It is located on the circuit board and it has a bunch of wires coming out of it) 5. Unplug it and wait for a few minuets. Then re-plug it. (At this point I personally tried to put the battery in and turn the camera on to see if it had worked. (i don't know this may be dangerous so be careful!!!) 6. Carefully bring the 2 camera sides back together and make sure you get a snug fit. (The section by the speaker should snap in properly) 7. Put the grey piece back in its proper place. 8. Put the screws back into their proper places. THANK YOU to all of you for this thread!!! Several years later and it still comes in handy. I had been suffering with this situation for months (the JVC is my back-up tape machine). I thought it was done for, but the clouds parted and the shafts of light pointed me here! Thanks again! David >For those of you, like myself suffering the neverending problems with your JVC >Mini-DV's, I believe I may have solved one problem and possibly more. Worked on mine GR-D30U(19 screws, different sizes). Anyone know how long the hard reset lasts? THANK YOU!!!!! Just did this repair and it worked great. I took a piece of double sided tape and placed in on a piece of paper numbering the screws as I removed them. This helped make sure I got the correct screw in the correct hole. It was really simple to do. I haven't used my camcorder for years. This will save me hundreds of dollars. Thanks so much! let me know how you've been making out with your camera mine just started doing the same condensation message. I wondered if it might be connected with tapes that might have condensation inside them? garnet Here are your well deserved KUDOS for August 2009... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking the time to share your information with others. Out of desperation and frustration, we thought we'd head to Google and see what we could find. Your instructions were clear and concise and we had nothing to lose so it wasn't even stressful. Our JVC of 6 years now has new life...thanks again! I agree, this worked great for me as well. I followed the instructions for removal of the 11 screws and I also agree with others comments about it being nerve-wracking to disassemble. I was able to gently pry open the two halves in a wedge so that I could access the connector, and this meant that reassembly was pretty easy - just rotate the pieces back into alignment. It worked like a charm. Also, I found the JVC manual is available on-line (helpful in case you forgot how to reset the date/time after doing the 'hard reset'). Thank you very much to all who contributed this very useful information. THANK YOU!!!! I haven't used my JVC camcorder in probably 3 or 4 years because of this condensation issue, and THIS FIXED IT! THANKS! Evan the wife broke camera i took it appart put it back together it worked 1 day looked online and i find it was not the wife i will not tell her i think all i did was unscrew the screws put them back in and it worked u say theres a reset buttun inside ill have to go there if it brakes again jvc needs to work on this Got any pictures of this procedure? anyone? |