My SONY KP46V15 is acting very strange, it has concaved (pulled in) sides as well as offset color and text. I adjusted the convergence and it helped the picture a little bit but it didn't help the "pulled in" (concaved) picture.
Originally the screen would intermittently and suddenly change to a sort of "half screen overlayed" color, with "offset picture and text". But it would, within a few minutes, return to normal. This went on for about 6 months. However, now that problem has been overshawed by another problem. Now the picture has "permanently" (won't change back) switched to concaved sides (predominately on the left side) as well as having "offset" (ghost like) color, picture and text. Looking straight on into the center of the picture the image is fairly decent...especially on close up shots. It reminds me of my old computer monitor that had "caved in sides" before I had to replace it. The television is otherwise in excellent condition...would love to fix it and save the $. Help Please if you can. Thank you.