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Re[2]: JVC service or questions

John Neilson Posted May 07, 2006, in response to:allen wang

Apart from blowing "mildly hot" air into the open cassette holder for about 2 x 30 seconds (with break between) to help remove any possible oxidisation on the sensor, there is no easy fix to this problem. However if you are technically inclined and capable of working on small items of equipment please advise and I will send the procedure to desensitize the circuit.


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    I saw a series of posts where people were having the "condensation error" on their JVC GR-D22U camcorder. I am having the same problem, and have been for about 1 year. I saw one "fix" that recommends taking out the tape and cleaning the black coating off the sensor inside the tape compartment with a damp q-tip. I tried it and it worked for about 5 minutes. Last year I read a procedure that involved undoing all the screws to open up the camera and unplugging something inside, but now I can't find that set of directions online. Now that my warranty is expired I have nothing to lose - except all the video I've shot thus far!! I hope you can help! Thanks, Maureen


    Re[3]: JVC service or questions

     joe Posted May 28, 2006

    I do computer foresnics and am having the same problem so if you can send me the information to desesitize the circuit I will be very happy.


    I am having the same problem....will you forward the information on how to desensitise I will take the procedure and camera to someone who can do this procedure. Thanks



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