Re[3]: SONY KP46V15 has concaved sides and color distortion
gary ridenour Posted Sep 16, 2005, in response to:Tom
yes---- I fixed a ton of sony's with cold solder joints. TV's, projo's, stereo's etc. under the screen ---- is there a removable screen cover??? if so pull it off and tell me if converg board is behind it.
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Gary, there's no removable front cover that I can see. Big question: would you repair this 12 year old set or would you trash it and buy a new one? It's already been repaired once (4 years ago). Don't know if it was the same problem because it was given to me as a Christmas gift after my friend payed $190 to have it repaired (he got a new one). I like the set but don't want to start dumping $ down a rat hole....the local tech thinks the convergence amps are the only thing that needs repaired ($170). I really would prefer fixing it but I hear Projection TV's have short lives (8 years...if you're lucky). Is that true? I'm no TV tech but was an aircraft electrician in days gone by and have soldered and re-soldered many, many wires/joints....and would be willing to tackle some solder work if I knew where the hazard (shock) areas were. I remember the days of high voltages near flyback Xfmr's in older sets....even fixed my own set once....located a cracked IC board. Thanks for hanging in there with me on this....I'm at the cross roads and don't like spending big $ if I don't have to...I'm retired.
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by Tom Oct 06, 2005